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Peacock Cottage, Gellyburn
Ploughing Teams, Drummondhall
Murthly Crossroads
Birnam Hill: P McLennan
Lingering Autumn: Millais
Station Road
Roman Bridge
Murthly Falls: Paul McLennan

Murthly History Group

Blog: Thornie Tales

This is a personal blog loosely associated with Murthly History Group. It takes its title from Thornie Muir, where the Gellyburn has its source. Some of the material being developed for a full history of Murthly will be tried out/aired here. Please feel free to comment and make useful suggestions. The views of the author are his own, not those of Murthly History Group.

Gauls of Murthly

Added by Thornie at 10:42 on 19 June 2024

On the road out to the old A9 from Byres of Murthly, just past the sawmill on the right, there used to be a sm...

I Told You

Added by Thornie on 19 June 2024

I was looking at a feature article, “The Edge of Empire”, in the Courier, More explicitly, at the ...

And Then There Were None

Added on 22 June 2022

Perhaps I should have paid them more attention. They were, after all, the most exotic of Murthly’s resi...

Murthly 1 and the Albatros

Added on 26 September 2021

On 24th July 1918, Lieut. Carl Frederick Falkenberg, flying Murthly No.1, an SE 5a fighter recently acquired b...

The Asylum Mikado

Added by Thornie on 24 August 2021

“I have often seen ‘The Mikado’ played by amateurs, but I do not think I have ever more enjo...

Tully-Veolan Claimed

Added on 15 August 2021

Given the way in which he rhapsodised over the Border Country, wild and rugged Highlands, and watery Trossachs...
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